
A Beginners Guide to Healthy Organic Gardening

This article will tell you about the additional benefits and give you some thought provoking ideas that may surprise you. It makes common sense that your body will benefit from less toxic weed killers and pesticides, and your soil and garden insects will help improve the entire environment around you. Assuming you know little to nothing about organic gardening lets make certain you understand what it is. Quite simply it means you are going to plant your garden without using synthetic fertilizers, for making the plants grow and chemical pesticides to control the bugs. It really falls back to the farming principles used centuries ago before all the toxic chemicals started to be spread and spayed on all our plants and the ground. To get the most out of your crops, regardless if its going to be flowers, herbs, veggies or a mish mash of several plants it's best to have a detailed plan. And the best time to formulate your plan is in the fall or autumn, right after the fall growing season ends. This way you will have enough time to prepare the ground before the spring planting season begins. You can do some research on the internet, or invest in a good gardening book, to learn what the requirements are for your plants Your plants will do well if they can receive about six hours of sunlight per day. In almost all cases positioning of your planting area in the south-east part of your ground will give more than adequate amounts of sunshine. Once the proper location has been determined the next step is preparing the ground where you will be planting. You need to be very thorough and methodical about removing the weeds from your soil Turning the soil over two or three times with a rest of a couple of weeks in between helps to make sure you have weeded the roots out as well from the soil. Then mix in organic manure from chickens, cows or horses. Then laying a thick layer of wood chip or shredded newspaper on top will help to mulch the soil from drying out too much in summer, and protect the soil in winter. There are more than one way that you can compost your kitchen wastes, including piling them up on the ground to break down naturally. This is a much simpler way to feed the soil than the compost bin, if you are unable to get that delicate balance right. Buying some worms for your soil is also a good idea if you don%u2019t see them as you dig your soil. They are the best way to break down foods, aerate and fertilize the soil all year around. Although it has been known for centuries that organic farming produces healthy gardens and crops, some people find it hard to believe. People think that without using chemical based pesticides, you just can%u2019t control bug infestations. However, one of the best all natural ways to control the pest is to use their mortal enemy, birds. With enough nests provided for them in the garden, you will find that the birds return to your garden every season. Not only do you furnish a nesting area for them but make water fully accessible to them. You can put something as simple as an attractive, large, water container or bird bath. Once the birds have been drawn to your garden and realize they can feast on your bug infestation your problem will be solved. And if you also provide some birdseed for the colder months the birds will know to always come back to your garden each season.Also make sure you always plant plenty of flowering bushes that attract the bees and ladybird beetles. If you plant a few extra insect friendly plants, you will always be able to attract all the friendly bugs and beetles that you need. It is all about just helping Mother Nature to do what she does naturally.It also makes sense to simply plant a bit more than you know you will need for your personal use. You will be surprised to read later in here about one of the reasons this is a good idea! But the main reason is to make allowances for the fact that you will lose a percentage of your crop to insects and birds, so why not simply plan for that loss in the initial planning anyway. You should after all, help to feed the insects and birds that will help you fight off the rest of your predators. You will also discover that with an organic garden you will be healthier as you are not breathing in toxic sprays you use, or absorbing chemicals on your skin while you work in the garden. You will not need to spend so much time in your garden wearing breathing mask, eye goggles and gloves!An hour a day of working in your garden will also improve your health and help in weight loss (burning calories), lowering blood pressure, strengthen the heart and lungs, build air swimmer muscle, sharpen the mind. You will relieve stress and sleep much better. You will receive a well earned feeling of satisfaction when you have a fruitful harvest, you just can%u2019t beat it. Your family, friends, co-workers will also be grateful for any of your crop that you share. You will know you have done your part to help %u201CMother Nature%u201D return to her natural state and touched all the other human beings by doing so. How you RC Air Swimmers and others can benefit from organic gardening. Did you know that there are even bigger benefits in organic gardening besides having a more beautiful garden or eating healthier veggies and fruits? Actually there are more special benefits than most people and organic gardeners ever think about. Your little garden plot can help people in poor countries. It is true. Did you know you can feed children around the world with your organic garden? It's really quite simple and only takes a little more planning and work on your part. When you begin to plan your own personal natural garden you simply plan to layout a larger garden and plan for a bigger crop to harvest than you would need for your personal use. It doesn%u2019t make any difference if it%u2019s for flowers, veggies, fruits or bushes to beautify your yard. Do what you can to increase your crops so that you are guaranteed to have more than enough to air swimmer share around. Then when it is time to harvest your crops, you will have more flowers, plants and veggies than you can possibly use by yourself.Then, instead of force-feeding your family with your surplus crop, instead take the bounty to the local Farmers Market or the Flea Market and sell it. You should not have any problem at all selling ORGANIC produce, whether it is fruit, vegetables, flowers, or potted plants you strike from cuttings. The fact that they are organic will be a huge advantage, and means you can ask for premium prices and you may end up with a pocket full of cash. You should find that most shoppers are generous, especially if you put up a big sign telling the shoppers that the profits from today will be donated to xyz to feed the hungry. Then take the cash from the days sales made and donate it to your favorite "Feed The Children" charity. When you do this a starving child will benefit from your garden, long after you harvested your crops for your personal use.And this is only the start of the multiple benefits of organic gardening, as you will discover for yourself over the years ahead.

