
SEO Canada- Why Users Will Be Off To Bing And Yahoo After Googles New Change

Google launched Search Plus Your World (SPYW) this week. What exactly is Google’s Search Plus Your World ( SPYW)? It is a set of procedures to personalize search results for their search engine users, which also happen to give Google+ content a lot more play in search results. Numerous people are not happy with this change including the giant social media site “Twitter”. Google called their declaration “Search, plus your world”. This is the implementation between Google's core product, Web search, and Google plus. Google's personal search would rely on Google plus and Picasa content but not Facebook and Twitter. Why Google did this alteration to make users happy? Many people think that big co-operations do always a smart move and win the competition game. The truth is sometimes a remote controlled air swimmers company or establishment crosses a line to the point they damage some of their own customers and clients. Should we start to do some antitrust investigation against Google? I presume many social media sites will agree with this request including Twitter. When google dropped the universal search results and started to redirecting to Google local, persons already turned to Bing. Today Google tries to monitize their Google plus, this is why they created this new game Mulberry Handbags called "search plus your word) Some people simply don’t like the idea of Google filling up their results with info based on who they know just because they know them, or content from Google+ just because it’s from Google+. What happened to Google? Why Google is not living up to the relevancy side of things?A search engine should show the most relevant queries for users . That made Google popular and won them a lot of users. When you look at Google+, you will see they have started to monetize it and put some ads beside their Google plus directory section! Google is trying really hard to increase the income. But the (SPYW ) will hurt them. users will lose trust and use Bing search engine and yahoo search engine more. As I stated earlier in one of my articles, year 2012 will be a great year for “Bing” as they are improving the search results. Google should not play favorites in those results, or by remote controlled flying shark trying to punish people through them. You won’t see the relevant information on Google anymore; you will see only what your friends and family have Google plused on google search engine. Finally, it is fair to say that Google has always won by being able to virtually read their user’s minds and give them exactly what they have been searching for in the exact algorithmic order in which they want to see it. As soon as Google does not do that, users will be off to Yahoo or Bing.

